Senior Prize Giving

David White

Senior Prize Giving was held last night in the College Hall.  Guest speaker was former student, Film Director David White.

The major awards presented were:

Central Hawke’s Bay College 25th Jubilee Trustees’ Rosebowl and Award for Dux Litterarum 2022 - Ayden Boyd


Ballantyne Family Rosebowl for Proxime Accessit - Benjamin Cruickshank


O’Dowd Cup & Jubilee Trustees’ Prize General Excellence – boys - Curtis Osborne


Cuthbert Cup & Jubilee Trustees’ Prize General Excellence – girls - Ashlee Thompson


CHB College Scholarships and Prizes

Jessie O Marshall Scholarships - Trelise Durham-Hunt, Charlotte Setter, Ashlee Thompson

Eric Tate Scholarship - Charlotte Setter                                                       

A W Parsons Scholarships - Hannah Ellwood, Ashlee Thompson                

CHB Farmers Vet Club Scholarship - Rata Tylee

France Scholarship - Aidan Flack

Brian Bird Scholarship - Tara Roberts

CHB College Jubilee Trustees’ Awards - Curtis Osborne, Amalia Stevenson

Fred Hansen Scholarship - Bradley Booth

Business & Professional Woman CHB Award - Harriet Strong

Prefects 2022 Scholarship - Brodie Cudby-Page                                                 


University and External Scholarships                                              

Victoria University Tangiwai School Leaver Scholarship - Ayden Boyd

University of Otago Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship - Isobel Lloyd

University of Waikato –Te Paewai o Te Rangi Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement - Curtis Osborne

Canterbury University - Auaha Scholarship - Hannah Ellwood

Canterbury University - Hiranga Scholarship - Benjamin Cruickshank

Canterbury University - Horomata Scholarship - Aidan Flack

Silver Fern Farms Scholarship - Ashlee Thompson

EIT Year 13 Scholarship for Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management) - Holly Bennett                           

New Zealand School of Tourism Scholarship 2022 - Michelle Elizabeth

Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award - Bryce Wind                         


Special Awards and Prizes

Rosie Bishop Cup for Best House Captain - Brieleigh Welch                                          

Waipawa District Lions Club Prize for Community Service - Bradley Booth                                              

E. M. Willis Cup & Prize for Science and Culture - Benjamin Cruickshank                

Jack Williams Family Memorial Scholarship - Benjamin Kynoch                                   

Bec Cup & R A Foster Prize for “Contribution to Cultural Activities” - Charlie Mavin           

Bray Family Cup for Inspiration & Service - Cody Lightfoot-Dyer                                 

Hamiora Kamau Tangiora Cup & Masonic Centennial Prize for Outstanding Endeavour - Ashlee Thompson             

Te Kakaho Tipene Prize for outstanding Contribution as a Māori student - Ashlee Thompson                                        

Leonard Snee Memorial Trophy & Prize for Excellence in Sport and Contribution to School - Aidan Flack 

Geoff Sharp Cup “Achieve with Honour” - Aidan Flack                        

Brisco Cup for Sportswoman of the Year - Emily Brun                          

Bowman Cup for Sportsman of the Year - Lachlan Kirk                        

Sherwood Cup for Outstanding Sporting Achievement - Lachlan Kirk

Waipawa Rotary Club Prize for the Student who adds an extra Dimension - Brodie Cudby-Page                    

Ockenden Prize for major Contribution to College Life by a non-prefect - Thomas Brockie              

FujiFilm VIP’s Prize for Year 13 student attending a Tertiary Institution - Justice Chesswas


Year 11

Principal’s Commendation for Valuable Contribution to School Life – Year 11               


2000 Prefects’ Cup for Year 11 General Excellence – Danielle Hemi


Principal’s Commendation for Valuable Contribution to School Life – Year 11              


Fiona Bourke Cup for Year 11 Academic Excellence – Jivarose Niegos


Year 12

Principal’s Commendation for Valuable Contribution to School Life – Year 12


Mclean Gibbs Cup for Year 12 General Excellence – Tom Burne


Principal’s Commendation for Valuable Contribution to School Life – Year 12


Bishop Cup for Year 12 Proxime Accessit - Keenan Jones           


Principal’s Commendation for Valuable Contribution to School Life – Year 12


Sarah Bronte Cup for Year 12 Dux - Oisín Casey-Galloway            


Congratulations to all.


Article added: Monday 28 November 2022


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