Enjoy your holiday break. The school office will re-open on Monday the 20th of January 2025


The College PTA is an active group of Parents and Caregivers who meet with the Principal monthly on the second Thursday of every month at 5.30pm here at the College.

The PTA alongside the Principal provide support for our students and their whanau by raising funds for specific items needed such as computers, digital cameras and much more.

The PTA have an important role in many school events; Senior Ball, Fryer Cup, Work Day, Sport Exchanges and Open Evening to name a few. The PTA also host social events like Trivia Evenings. The funds raised by the PTA allows all our students to participate and enjoy their school years.

The PTA has recently supported and provided funding for the following: School Website, shelving for the library, computers, mountain bikes, curtains for the Assembly Hall, subsidized Year 9 & 10 trips, school cameras and audio equipment.

Information about events is always posted in the Newsletters.

New members are always welcome.

If you would like more information please contact the following:

Chairperson: William Boyd

Secretary: Lynne Ellingham-Boyd
Email: chbcpta@gmail.com

Treasurer: Kylie Goodman
Email; chbcpta.treasurer@gmail.com
