NCEA me te whānau workshop

Nei rā te mihi karanga ki a koutou te whānau o tō tātou kura, nau mai, haere mai, whakarauika mai rā…

I would like to invite you to come and be part of an awesome opportunity we have for whānau to learn about NCEA, and get some tips and tricks from NZQA on how you can support your tamaiti to succeed in school. The workshops is one hour long and the school will provide refreshments following, please RSVP for catering purposes.

Details for the workshop are as follows:

Date: Wednesday 26 October

Time: 5 to 6pm

Venue: Central Hawke’s Bay College Room A1


The workshop will cover the following topics, please see attached flyer for more information:

· How NCEA works

· NCEA endorsements and how to get them

· University Entrance (UE) and how to achieve it

· Choosing NCEA subjects and creating career pathways

· The importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) subjects, and,

· How you can support your tamaiti to succeed

If you have any questions please send the team message through the Facebook event below

Facebook link:


We look forward to seeing you there,

Ngā mihi nui

Article added: Wednesday 19 October 2022


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