Dreaming Big Conference

On Tuesday 12th October, Harriet Strong and I had the honour of attending the Dreaming Big conference held at the Fonterra Centre in Auckland. The event is designed to inspire and motivate young women to follow their passions in the professional world. We listened to panels on topics such as entrepreneurship, job interviews, and developing our own personal brand online and in person, from incredible and inspiring women in various careers such as sports, law, and entrepreneurship. A definite highlight was the interview with Jacinda Ardern, who gave us some insightful advice about becoming successful as a woman, before we had the chance to meet her individually. Another notable moment was meeting and listening to CHBC alumni Cathy Quinn, who has achieved remarkable success in law and business. This event was an amazing experience that has inspired me and opened me up to career paths that I had never even heard of. I would highly recommend attending and I am grateful to have been given this opportunity.

Hannah Ellwood


Article added: Wednesday 19 October 2022


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